Marvel Heroes (Review)

I have significantly updated my thoughts on this game as of November 2014. Click this link for my second review of Marvel Heroes.

When it comes to gaming, there’s one genre that always suckers me in no matter what and that is the action RPG genre. We’ve received some real gems over time such as Diablo II and Torchlight and, in recent years, the genre has seen a bit of a revival as several noteworthy action RPGs entered development. The four big ones for the last few years have been Diablo III, Path of Exile, Torchlight II, and this very game. Marvel Heroes. Developed by Diablo creator David Brevik, along with many former Blizzard North developers, you’d think that this would be a pretty difficult game to mess up. Well… I don’t know how to really put this, but… Continue reading

Final Fantasy VII (Review)


Boy, am I ever starting to feel old. It’s hard to believe that it has been sixteen years since Final Fantasy VII was released. What’s less hard to believe is that the game has been given a brand new release on Steam so many years later because, hey, Final Fantasy games stand the test of time perhaps greater than almost any other franchise out there. So, to celebrate the return of Final Fantasy VII on Steam, I’m going to review the game for those who haven’t played the game. Yes, there are still people in this day and age who haven’t played this massive game! Continue reading

Primal Carnage (Review)


Ah, a first person shooter. A quick glance at the list of reviews I have on here will quickly reveal that I don’t play many or, at the very least, I choose not to write about them. This is because I’m not really a major fan of first person shooters. They tend to feel very “samey” in this day and age. Everything is a modern war shooter, I guess because Call of Duty: Modern Warfare took off and everyone wanted to emulate it. Continue reading

The Old Republic Going F2P

BioWare announced recently that Star Wars: The Old Republic will be going free to play this Fall. Those playing for free will be able to experience everything that the game has to offer with very few limitations, while subscribers will enjoy additional content and a special currency used for redeeming premium items. Here’s a blurb from the official TOS site regarding the upcoming change. Continue reading

CraftStudio 3D Game Creation Software

CraftStudio is a promising little game development program that flew completely under my radar. What is CraftStudio, you ask? As described by another, it’s like a cross between GameMaker and Minecraft. The world as well as models can be crafted entirely out of blocks from within the program and can then be textured using any images of your choosing. Continue reading